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There's already a load of people that he needs to include. Hey can i be in it some time? Ukira Grace 611 18:34, 30 April 2008 (UTC)

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Okay, and I would like to say GO PATS C Is for Cookie 14:29, 30 March 2008 (UTC) cool, thanks, and could i be Mew2's trainer? Patriotfan09 02:06, 31 March 2008 (UTC) Also, i was wondering if you could feature me in it? my name is patriotfan09, and i am a Dragon Trainer, but i am a huge fan of Mewtwo.I was reading our fanfic, and i thought it was really good.I will be on tomorrow, I am going to a dance at my school today C Is for Cookie Hey no problem. Sorry, I did not get the message till I got to school. I'm not offended but maybe the artist may be offended and for paul and drew thing: I like Paul and I like Drew but Ash is the best, although he doesnt know 10x10.Īre you here, and do you want to take it now? Por ygo n-Z 23:58, 27 March 2008 (UTC) Thanx, I will add it to my watchlist C Is for Cookie Like I said Must be us pesky Americans only C Is for Cookie Anyway I was lookin' around the Bulbagarden site and saw that and I remembered you asked me lloonngg ago if I knew any podcasts. I can't listen to Podcast right now, I gave up my Ipod for lent ): C Is for Cookie Wow I never knew people gave up stuff still :P. Still looking for one? Por ygo n-Z 16:50, 2 March 2008 (UTC) Also, I missed a few, so drop a line if I missed you:

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